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Hello and welcome to Crossword Spree by William Gee. This site has been designed purely for your crossword enjoyment and entertainment: nothing too complicated, nothing too simple; just the right mix to keep you intrigued!

Thursday, August 1, 2013

Aug. 1st - 15th, 2013

Named by the Romans to honor their emperor Augustus, August represents the height of summer in the temperate zones of the northern hemisphere.  Although the longest days of the year have passed, the hottest days remain.  Strangely, it is the only month of the calendar year not to have a national U.S. holiday.  The Anglo-Saxons referred to August as "Weod monath" or "Weed month" because it is the period when plant growth is most active.  It also represents one of the busiest tourism months and a time when most workers enjoy a vacation.  Away or at home, remember to find a cool spot, spread out, and enjoy your daily crossword puzzles.  And, remember the archives to the right contain over 1000 additional entries for your puzzle pleasure.

08/15/13  Handy 
08/14/13  Kooky 
08/13/13  Once In A While 
08/12/13  A Toss Of The Dice 
08/11/13  Right Next Door 
08/10/13  Clear Cut 
08/09/13  How Hip 
08/08/13  That Will Work 
08/07/13  This And That 
08/06/13  Spunky 
08/05/13  All Over The Place 
08/04/13  Catch 22 
08/03/13  What A Pain 
08/02/13  It's Just A Guess 
08/01/13  What's Your Opinion? 

It's A Fact
William Gee's crossword puzzles have now been played
in one-half of the nations in the world
and now number well over one million visits to date.*
*Includes both and

Remember, you can always do more of William Gee's crossword puzzles at where a new and different posting, not featured here,
is available every 10 to 12 days, on average, as a guest constructor.

William Gee's latest post to the BestCrosswords site is dated 08/06/13.
Check it out!