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Hello and welcome to Crossword Spree by William Gee. This site has been designed purely for your crossword enjoyment and entertainment: nothing too complicated, nothing too simple; just the right mix to keep you intrigued!

Tuesday, July 16, 2013

July 16th - 31st, 2013

July has arrived, and with it the second half of our year begins.  Named for Julius Caesar, it once was the fifth month of the year, but was moved to become our seventh month and acquired an extra day!  In the northern hemisphere it begins the hottest season, known familiarly as "the dog days of summer".  It also represents a relatively drier time of year with flowers in abundance that crave the warmth.  Beyond being "National Hot Dog Month", July is undoubtedly best recognized in the U.S. by the celebration of Independence Day on the 4th of the month, with fireworks displays, family picnics and barbeques, baseball, and time away from work at favorite leisure spots.  As you enjoy the summer activities, remember to squeeze in some time for your mental exercises and crossword puzzles.  These are a great way to start a day at breakfast or end a day after supper.  Happy puzzling!

07/31/13  It's Oxymoron Time 
07/30/13  At A Loss For Words 
07/29/13  How Cool! 
07/28/13  Let's Chat 
07/27/13  You're On! 
07/26/13  A Real Inspiration 
07/25/13  Child's Play 
07/24/13  What A Bother 
07/23/13  No Doubt About It 
07/22/13  Say It Like It Is 
07/21/13  Just A Suggestion 
07/20/13  It's Just A Feeling 
07/19/13  On The Line 
07/18/13  With It 
07/17/13  Do The Job 
07/16/13  How Exciting! 

It's A Fact
William Gee's crossword puzzles have now been played
in one-half of  the nations in the world
and now number well over one million visits to date.*
*Includes both and

Remember, you can always do more of William Gee's crossword puzzles at where a new and different posting, not featured here,
is available every 10 to 12  days, on average, as a guest constructor.

William Gee's latest post to the BestCrosswords site is dated 07/28/13.
Check it out!