Based on personal circumstances, a long contemplated decision
to publish on an abbreviated schedule has finally been reached.
As of tomorrow, March 1, 2014, further publication will be
restricted to a Monday-Wednesday-Friday schedule.
Thanks to all of our loyal players throughout the world.
We hope you will continue to enjoy our posts in the future
both here and at bestcrosswords.com.
02/28/14 Rapt
02/27/14 Nothing At All
02/26/14 It's What's Next
02/25/14 Make Tracks
02/24/14 Can You Beat That!
02/23/14 Impossible
02/22/14 Make The Best Of It
02/21/14 In X-S
02/20/14 It's A Challenge
02/19/14 Doubtful
02/18/14 You Are Welcome
02/17/14 Making Ends Meet
02/16/14 Chancy
It's A Fact
William Gee's crossword puzzles have now been played
in over half of the nations in the world
and now number well over one million visits to date.*
*Includes both crosswprdspree.blogspot.com and bestcrosswords.com.
Remember, you can always do more of William Gee's crossword puzzles at
http://bestcrosswords.com where a new and different posting, not featured here,
is available every 10 to 12 days, on average, as a guest constructor.
William Gee's latest post to the BestCrosswords site is dated 02/24/14.
Check it out!