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Hello and welcome to Crossword Spree by William Gee. This site has been designed purely for your crossword enjoyment and entertainment: nothing too complicated, nothing too simple; just the right mix to keep you intrigued!

Wednesday, January 1, 2014

Jan. 1st - 15th, 2014

January is, quite appropriately, the threshold to the new year, so named after the Roman god Janus, often referred to as the "Lord of Beginnings".  He was always pictured with a face that looked backwards and forwards at the same time.  Thus, January is a time of reflection and new resolution, a time of building on the past and planning for the future.  We hope this new beginning ushers in a period of opportunities and accomplishments for each of our puzzle players and that you will be blessed with good health and happiness. Happy New Year!

01/15/14  Who Has A Match? 
01/14/14  It's Original 
01/13/14  It's A Mess! 
01/12/14  Just Do It! 
01/11/14  Immaterial 
01/10/14  On The Same Page 
01/09/14  Terminate 
01/08/14  Enthusiastic 
01/07/14  Crackerjack 
01/06/14  It'll Happen 
01/05/14  Noteworthy 
01/04/14  Too Bad 
01/03/14  Tempus Fugit 
01/02/14  Unbelievable 
01/01/14  Resolution Day 

It's A Fact
William Gee's crossword puzzles have now been played
in over half the nations in the world
and now number well over one million visits to date.*
*Includes both and

Remember, you can always do more of William Gee's crossword puzzles at where a new and different posting, not featured here,
is available every 10 to 12 days, on average, as a guest constructor.

William Gee's latest post to the BestCrosswords site is dated 01/10/14.
Check it out!